
My 1955 Sears Allstate sv175 (Puch)

Craigslist is dangerous for a moto head! I cruise the list looking for deals on bikes often. When I saw this bike for sale I knew I was going to buy it. The pictures that where posted where terrible and the description didn't help the add at all! I researched a little and found that Sears and Roebuck catalog company sold these bikes as the Allstate brand. This model and a few others where actually made in Austria by Puch. These are also known as a Twingle, a twin cylinder that shares a common combustion chamber. I had read about these somewhere and as an engineer I was intrigued by the design. This is a 2 stroke engine that burns more completely than any other because of this design. It also has more torque than a normal 2 stroke motorcycle.

                                         This is what it looked like when I brought it home.

The Badge is European style, not like an American made bike would have. The number is the Sears catalog item number for the bike, used when ordering parts.

About half way through repairs.

This is a good shot of the quality of casting, this is with the generator and ignition points removed to clean and replace crankshaft seals. 2 cycle bikes must have good crank seals or you can't get good vacuum because it sucks air past the seals!

The Quality of manufacture is even apparent in the way you adjust the chain! The way the axle shaft is held and the nuts that hold it are amazing....

      This is where the foot rest attaches and the muffler is hung all from the same point, great design.

         Primary chain and clutch and transmission are oil bath, sealed separate from the crankcase.

The baffle system looks like a German rocket combustion chamber! The exhaust changes directions 180 degrees 7 times! Very quiet and any excess oil gets trapped in here, this was fun cleaning job for me.....
 German electrics, full hydraulic suspension, solo seats set on springs, this bike is amazing for a "cheap" small cc moto.

                                                               I just LOVE the deco styling!

     First run after rebuild, fuel bottle is because I just cream coated the tank and didn't want fuel in it yet!

Its hard to tell how small this bike is in these pix, but its defiantly not a little bike, just petite. I had to order a front fender from an Austrian supplier, it finally arrived a week after I old the bike.....

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